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最新消息 > 6月1日雅思考試答案整合,大家覺得這次的難度怎么樣?


雅托邦雅思托福發布時間:06-0115:55今天是六一兒童節。但雅思官方絲毫沒有因此而心慈手軟,對還是孩子的我們痛下殺手。聽力Section 3是2019年1月29日考試的原題,這就告訴我們會看雅思原題到底有多重要了吧!以下是小編整合的部分雅思考試回顧,大家可以進行參考哦雅思聽力部分Section 1 女孩報名參加興趣班主題 :興趣班課程介紹答案:morningFrench stylefirst Tuesdaymoneygolfpainting classesbrushesGirl‘s club15th MarchJ52stationSection 2 海邊度假主題 :海邊度假答案:old enoughNorth pointphotoreception deskbirdsfish-feeding pooleducation centerspa and beauty roomphoto shopReal Estate OfficeSection 3 老房子研究答案:villageageplanmapsfireplaceschoosingwoodproblemsoccupancyunansweredSection 4 非洲沙漠里的鱷魚題型:選擇+填空答案:no scientific backupsupport20undergroundwetland became desert8 monthsthe depthlocal people do not fear crocodilesthere was no evidence that crocodiles huntingattached by the local peoplepopulation size, migration patterns and relations to other population雅思閱讀部分第一篇:英國運河系統第二篇:太空宇航員和專家第三篇:考古學家對史前文明的看法雅思口語部分雅思寫作部分A類小作文表格大作文 Increasing number of developing countries expanding tourist industries. Why is it the case? Is it a positive development?大作文:討論雙方觀點Human activity has a negative effect on plant and animal species. Some people think it is too late to do anything. Some people believe that effective action can be taken to improve this solution. Discuss both views and your opinion.相關搜索考雅思有什麼用雅思口語考試流程雅思閱讀真題雅思閱讀題型雅思閱讀時間雅思閱讀評分標準
